Historical information
This map has been in the Ryder family for approx. 70 years. Probably used when bush walking and skiing in the early days on the Bogong High Plains. The Ryder family are farmers in the Kiewa Valley and were involved in taking their cattle up to the Bogong High Plains where they had a lease. The State Electricity Commission of Victoria constructed the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme opening up the area during the 1940's and 1950's. This type of map is an early one, used by people in the Kiewa Valley and possibly by surveyors prior to construction.
The map is an early topographic map used by farmers living in the Kiewa Valley. It is historically significant as these people were involved in taking cattle up to the High Plains during summer and may have been used for bush walking and skiing.
Physical description
This is a sepia coloured paper map which was originally printed copyright registered. It was revised in 20/6.33/4.4.37/8.4.40/24.8.43/19/6/54. It shows roads / tracks / snow poles / snow pole numbers (27) / Snow pole spacing (3 chains. 66 yards) approximately 27 poles to the mile / height above sea level in feet - 5280. Water courses not definitely located etc.
Inscriptions & markings
Rocky Valley Dam (Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme) has been drawn on the map by hand with a biro. There is a wooden rod at the top of the map.