Historical information
The Warrnambool Advertiser has the sub-heading, ‘Villiers, Heytesbury and Hampden General Reporter with which is incorporated the Warrnambool Sentinel’. (The Warrnambool Sentinel was published in Warrnambool by John Davidson Burnie from 1861 to 1868). The Warrnambool Advertiser was printed and published by Daniel Harrison and Daniel George in Timor Street, Warrnambool, opposite the old Court House (until March 1872). This paper commenced in 1868 and ceased publication in 1873. It was published twice weekly on a Wednesday and a Saturday. Daniel George was the brother of Hugh George who was at one time the general manager of the Argus and later the Sydney Morning Herald. Daniel Harrison had been the editor of the ‘Australasian’ newspaper
These newspapers are most important as they are original copies of an early Warrnambool newspaper and the only copies the Historical Society owns. They contain much important information on Warrnambool activities and events in 1871. An index to the papers is available.
Physical description
These are original newspapers of the Warrnambool Advertiser from 11th January 1871 to 27th December 1871. Each edition has two pages printed on each side. The cover is missing but the pages are bound with thin string to keep them together. The pages are unmarked with many torn edges with the Wednesday January 11th issue very tattered and the Saturday 14th January issue has pages 3 and 4 half torn off. There are some loose pages.