Physical description
Black plastic album containing black and white studio portraits and biographical information
- miranda crellini,
- grainne o'boyle,
- howard tostivan,
- samantha trinder,
- robert macleod,
- brigitd kelly,
- kimbra jeffries,
- joanne hyland,
- nerissa heath,
- andrea hearn,
- pete ghin,
- fiona bennett,
- sandra moon,
- francisco antonio seguin,
- hilary paige mills,
- james edwards,
- emma wray,
- katherine elisa evans,
- aaron michael richardson,
- donna brunt,
- stuart pursell,
- suzanne martin,
- kirsty russell,
- anthony marsh,
- jessie watson,
- matthew robert posetti,
- christopher john neske,
- deanne lee clapton,
- naomi duryea,
- jason mcmurrich,
- bella jean goyarts,
- lawrence price,
- tanya burne,
- maijana dujmovic,
- hayley giemza,
- marley huxley,
- bertrand labonte,
- sophie lampel,
- matthew maloney,
- daniel tonzing,
- ballarat academy of performing arts,
- bapa