Historical information

This item has come from funeral directors Beattie and Phillips who have operated as funeral directors in Warrnambool since 1865 when Christopher Beattie and Henry Phillips commenced their business. They operated as partners until Henry died in 1896. Christopher continued until his death in 1916 when the business passed to his son Christopher who operated the business until 1945 when it was transferred to James J Leahy. The business was next to the Wesleyan church in Koroit St. Early advertisements cite the latest in services, vehicles and horses.
This cloth could have been used to drape over coffins or seats. The society also has recently acquired a top hat worn by these funeral directors.


An item which is associated with one of Warrnambool’s longest running businesses.

Physical description

Black rectangular lined cloth with ties on corners and diagonal velvet braid sewn in diamond shape in the middle. Same braid provides border around the item.