Historical information

Original owner Nora O’Connor the donor’s adopted aunt migrated to Canada during WW2 and also worked as volunteer at the Vancouver Mission to Seamen where she met her husband Edward O’Connor who later migrated to Australia.

Physical description

Newspaper clipping from the 'Vancouver Sun' dated Friday, March 31st 1950. Clipping shows an a black and white photograph of W. Wootton Mascall, treasurer; Rev. John W. Leighton, chaplain; president Captain G. Lancaster and Margaret Ross, head of the Lightkeepers Women's Auxiliary. They are tying bundles of magazines at the Vancouver Seamen's Institute.

Inscriptions & markings

SAILOR'S KNOT is expertly tied on bundles of magazines at Vancouver Seamen's Institute by Margaret Ross, head of the Lightkeepers Women's Auxiliary, Missions to Seamen. Aiding her bundle up the reading matter are, from left: W. Wootton Mascall, treasurer; Rev. John W. Leighton, chaplain , and president Capt. G. Lancaster.