Booklet - Centenary Souvenir of Christ Church Warrnambool, 1947

Historical information

The booklet sets out the history of Christ Church Warrnambool from 1847-1947. The forward is by Vicar Ronald E Richards and the booklet outlines the history of the building of the church with special mention given to the stained glass windows. It covers other aspects of the history such as the vicars, choir, other church organizations and recreational facilities and service of the laity.


A compact history of one of Warrnambool’s earliest and longest established churches. It provides a comprehensive listing of people and ministers who served the church and the community.

Physical description

Fawn coloured light card cover with black text and oval cutout showing photograph of front view of Christ Church. 16 pages.

Inscriptions & markings

Printers: Kaye & Son Warrnambool.

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