Historical information

This item belonged to Marjorie Burton. Marjorie Burton ( nee Whiteman), born 12 June, in Birmingham, England came to Orbost in 1995.
In England she did office work – typing, shorthand and secretarial work - in accountants’ offices and also trained as a comptometrist with Burroughs in London. She came from a middle-class, working, church-going family. Her mother was a milliner who made many of Marjorie’s clothes, hats and outfits.
Marjorie was married in 1938 to a salesman who later became a mechanic in the R.A.F


This item is an example of a nail care product commonly used by women in the mid 20th century.

Physical description

A round, white ceramic glass container containing cream. It has a tin screw top lid which is red and black with cream, and black print. Underneath the brand name is a a picture of two hands with long fingers. the base is recessed with instructions and details on a paper label.

Inscriptions & markings

Longlex Cuticle Cream for brittle nails