Historical information
The Warrnambool permanent Building and Investment Society was established in May 1869. It relied on investors buying shares in the society, thereby providing the funds which were available to be borrowed to use in the building of houses. A considerable number of houses in Warrnambool would have been built using this scheme. The stated trustees in 1872 were Samuel Macgregor, C A Cramer, James Astley Bromfield, and the committee comprised of James Hider, W. W. Jamieson, James Coulstock, Archibald MacFarlane, Robert Newton, David Evans, NT C Stelling and W Jones. The bankers were the national Bank of Australasia.
It had some difficulties in the 1870’s but was still operating well into the 1930’s where it again was not putting through the volume of business compatible with its resources and it had been found necessary to pay off a considerable number of fixed deposits and Investors’ shares. There is little mention of it after the mid 1930’s.
This document provides details of an organization which operated in Warrnambool for over 60 years and proved beneficial to homebuilders and investors alike. It also has a number of well- known local names listed in their positions of operating the building society.
Physical description
Cream watermarked paper folded to four pages. Title on front cover with letter to shareholders printed below for the year ending 30th April 1872. Page three has balance sheet of the Warrnambool Permanent Building & investment Society. Second and fourth pages are blank.
Inscriptions & markings
Signed in print by James Hider President, Henry T Read secretary.