Historical information

Likely to be the idea of Reverend Alfred Gurney Goldsmith, and first published in January 1906 (missing), the newsletter was issued quarterly (printed generally in January, Easter, Midwinter and Michaelmas) but became annual from 1932.
110 Jottings were printed from January 1905 till October 1937; although there was an error in the numbering or a special edition number 88. And unfortunately a few issues are missing

The Mission holds a photograph of this publication being packed in calico by the members of the 'Ladies Harbour Lights Guild' for distribution to branches and supporters.


Published for some 30 years by the Victorian Missions to Seamen issued to supporters the series contributes to the history of the organisation.
Although incomplete, the set is a likely to be the only one remaining. It is a key cross reference supplying many details and dates of ships, crew members, supporters, committee members, chaplains and LHLG, activities in both Melbourne, Port Phillip and other States where Missions were gradually established and information not able to be included in Annual Reports.
It is an invaluable source of images. Some of photographs published are still in the missions heritage collection.