Book, Angel's Brother Eleanora H Stooke, Early 1900s

Historical information

This book, ‘Angel’s Brother’ by Eleanora H. Stooke was a prize given to a pupil (name unknown) by the Christ Church Sunday School, Warrnambool in 1909. The Sunday School of the Anglican Church in Warrnambool dates from the 1850s and by 1909 it was an established tradition for most children whose parents belonged to the Anglican Church to attend a Sunday School. In 1906 there were about 30 teachers taking 45 pupils in the morning session and 177 pupils in the afternoon session. The highlights of the year were the Sunday School picnic held at various venues and the annual prizegiving day. In 1909 a cantata, ‘The Fairy Chain’ was performed by Sunday School students in the Oddfellows Hall. The Vicar in 1909 was Archdeacon Peacock (1906-1912) and in 1908 he introduced a Church Stamp System at the Sunday School whereby children were given stamps and pictures for an album to record their attendance and instruction.


This book is significant because it is an example of the type of prize given to the prizewinners at the Christ Church Sunday School in Warrnambool in 1909. The prize, a book, has a story that has heavy Christian religious and moral overtones and the English Religious Tract Society produced books especially for the Sunday School prizegiving market.

Physical description

This is a hard cover book of 314 pages pus several pages detailing other books recently published. The book is a children’s book given as a prize by Christ Church Sunday School, Warrnambool in 1909. It has a brown cover with an inset of a sketch of a young woman holding an umbrella and a sea or a lake setting in the background. The colours of the sketch are blue, white and black and the sketch is set in a decorative border. A similar decorative pattern is on the spine of the book. There are several black and white plates in the book relating to the story. The inscription plate inside has both printed material in blue print and handwritten material in black ink.

Inscriptions & markings

Front Cover: ‘Angel’s Brother, Eleanora H. Stooke’
Book Plate inside: ‘Christ Church Sunday School, Warrnambool, presented to Ethel … (name scratched out), Class VI, Teacher, Miss Ware, A.E.Peacock, Vicar, J.Ward, S.Smith, Superintendents, Advent, 1909.’

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