Historical information

This is the programme of a concert staged in Warrnambool in the 1950s. The production was put on by Frances Sinclair and Company and was presented and directed by Fred Utting. The performers included small children, mainly girls, ballerinas and an orchestra. Frances Sinclair also had a shop in Liebig Street in the 1950s called the Olympic Sportswear.


This programme is of interest because it is an example of the type of entertainment provided in Warrnambool in the 1950s with the performers from a local company teaching dance and movement to young local people. The donor of the programme, Lyn Wright, was herself one of the ‘Tiny Tots’ performers. The donor of the programme was Alan Lane, a bus company proprietor in Warrnambool and a well-known businessman and supporter of the arts in the city.

Physical description

This is a sheet of paper folded in two to make four pages. The paper has been folded so as to make the first page of a smaller width than the second and third pages. The program is buff-coloured with a decorative green border on the front and third pages. The programme printing is in brown type. The programme contains a list of participants in the concert and the 24 items in the concert.