- MELBOURNE PHILARMONIC SOCIETY The annual meeting of the Philharmonic Society was held on Tuesday in the upper hall of the Athenaeum. There was a fair attendance. In the absence of Sir George Verdon, who was unable to be present, Mr. Edwin Exon was voted to the chair, and presented the report, in which it was stated that the subscriptions for the year amounted to £218 14s. 6a. The works promised at the beginning of the year had been duly per formed, viz., "Elijah," "Paradise and the Peri," " Euterpe," and the " Messiah." The receipts for the year amounted to £911 lis. 3d., and the expenditure to £864 6s. 8d. The assets were of the value of £737 8s. 8d., and the liabilities nil. • On the motion of the ohairman, the report and balance-sheet were received and adopted. The election of officers for the ensuing year was then proceeded with, and resulted as follows -.—President, Sir George Verdon ; vice-presidents, Hon. F. T. Sargood and Mr. Henri J. Hart; hon. organist, Mr. G. Peake; librarian, Mr. S. J. Lamble ; treasurer, Mr. L. White ; conductor, Mr. David Lee ; hon. secretary, Mr. J. H. Marsden ; assistant secretary, Mr. W. Danks ; subscribing members, Messrs. Stevenson, Harker, and Pinnock; perform ing members, Messrs. G. W. Freeman and Elmslie Stephen. The ordinary business of the meeting having been disposed of, a presentation, consisting of an address and a hand some frosted silver tea and coffee service, was made to Mr. J. H. Marsden, in recognition of his valuable services during the many years he has occupied the position of hon, secretary to the society.