Book, Valmae Davenport, William Gladman Story, May 2016

Physical description

This is a soft cover book of 374 pages. The cover is coloured mauve with an image of a sailing ship enclosed by an ornamental border on the front cover and an image of William Gladman on the back cover. The book has a Disclaimer page, an Acknowledgements page, Contents pages, a List of Illustrations, 21 Chapters and a Bibliography. There are many black and white photographs, maps and family trees. The inscription on the inside title page is handwritten in blue biro.

Publication type


Inscriptions & markings

Front Cover: ‘The William Gladman Story’
‘Family History and Recollections from England and Australia 1800-2014’
Inside Title Page: ‘To the Warrnambool & District Historical Soc with every good wish and lots of information on the Gladmans. Cheers, Valmae Davenport, 27/June/2016’


This is a history of the family and descendants of William Gladman.

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