Historical information

This is a booklet giving the names and addresses of voters for the local Council in Levy’s Ward in the City of Warrnambool in 2002. At that time the Warrnambool City Council was divided into seven Wards with one Councillor representing each Ward. The seven Wards at that time were Levy’s, Botanic, Cassady, Pertobe, Proudfoot, Sherwood, and Wollaston. In 2004 the Wards were abolished and seven Councillors today represent the whole City of Warrnambool. In 2002 Glenys Phillpot was the Councillor representing Levy’s Ward.


This booklet is of interest as it contains the names and addresses of those enrolled in Levy’s Ward in Warrnambool in 2002. It will be a useful booklet for researchers.

Physical description

This is a booklet of 22 pages containing the names and addresses of voters in the Levy’s Ward of Warrnambool in 2002. The cover is yellow and the booklet is bound with black taping. The printed list of names is in black type.

Inscriptions & markings

Front Cover: ‘Warrnambool City Council’
‘Levy’s Ward’
‘Voters’ Roll’
‘Certified Roll Entitlement Date: 17 December 2001.’
‘February 2002 Victorian Electoral Commission’.