Historical information
In 1869, the Warrnambool Meat Preserving Company commenced their business on the site, where it operated until 1875 when it was sold to the directors of the Warrnambool Woolen Mill Company. After being destroyed by fire in 1882 it wasn’t until 1910 that the Warrnambool Chamber of Commerce was approached by Marcus Saltau and Peter McGennan to invest in a new mill. The original directors were James Dickson, P J McGennan, Robert Swinton, M Saltau, and J W Younger. In 1955 the Warrnambool Woollen Mill formed a partnership with the Wangaratta Woollen Mills. Dunlop bought the mill in 1968. From that time until its closure in 2000 it had a number of different owners, the last being the Smith Family Industries.
These sheets provide data relating to sales of various different blankets in colours and sizes and where sales occurred . All the capital cities are listed with quantities and customer numbers
The woollen mill was one of the major industries of Warrnambool for nearly100 years. This document is one of many in the collection of the Warrnambool and district historical society which gives an insight into the scale and type of production during the 20th century.
Physical description
Rectangular bundle of loose pages with card on either side and held together with string. Pages are lined and typed with data and also have two small holes and one elongated hole stamped between the smaller ones.
Inscriptions & markings
Analysis Season 1937-1938 written in red pencil on front card. 'These sheets stocked in 25 patterns by peacock Bros Pty Ltd Melbourne Sydney Adelaide Perth and Brisbane. When ordering this pattern specify No D5' printed on each of the paper sheets.