Photograph - church, Former Joseph Street Paton Memorial Presbyterian Church, Canadian, 2008, ‎26 /04/‎2008

Historical information

The Jubilee of this church was held in 1933.

"Paton Memorial Presbyterian Church.
BALLARAT, Sunday Jubilee celebrations of the Paton Memorial Presbyterian Church were well attended in the week end. A basket picnic on Saturday at Eureka Stockade reserve was followed at night by a social gathering, at which a birthday cake was cut by Mrs. Amor, a foundation member. On Sunday special services were led by Rev. J. A. Moscript, assisted by the young men of St. John's Church. The church was originally founded, by the late Mrs. J. P. Murray to mission to the needs of the busy mining community which existed in Canadian in early years." (The Age, 06 November 1933.)

PATON MEMORIAL CHURCH - An interesting tree-planting ceremony was performed in the grounds of the Paton Memorial Church on Saturday lost. Trees were put in by the scholars of the Sunday school to commemorate the enlistment of all the boys who had in any way been connected with the church. Sunday school, and Young Men's Club. The Mayor (Cr Levy) spoke in terms of praise of the lads who had enlisted to fight for right against might and the tyranny of Prussian militarism. The Hon. R. McGregor MLA., and the Revs. A. H. Moore and W. Rowlands were among those present. on also Mesdames J. P. Murray and McGowan, two of the founders of the church. During the afternoon Cr Levy planted a tree in honor of Mrs Murray. Afternoon tea was served by the ladies of the congregation. (The Age, 06 November 1933.)

This church was in the middle of a Chinese neighbourhood, and the 1800s the leprosarium was in the vicinity.

This bhurch was demolished not long after this photo was taken.

Physical description

Colour photograph of a weatherboard church in Joseph Street, Canadian. In 1937 this church was under the control of St. John's Peel-street, Ballarat.

Members of the congregation:
* Mrs. Amor - A foundation member.
* Thomas Clarke and Isabella Clarke (formerly Ross) lived next door and according to family members "had a lot to do with the church".
* Mrs McGowan - a founder of the church
* Mrs. J. P. Murray founded the church to mission to the needs of the busy mining community which existed in Canadian in early years.

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