Historical information
These drawings have been produced by Ron Uebergang at the Warrnambool Technical School in 1919. Uebergang family members were pioneer settlers in the Warrnambool area in the early 1850s. Ronald John Uebergang (1903-1971) was born in Warrnambool to Ernest Uebergang and Mary Watson. Ron Uebergang lived at the family property, Hopkins Hill at Allansford and went to Allansford State School and Warrnambool Technical School. He was mechanically minded, a good photographer and fond of music and dancing. He married Myra Hall and was a dairy farmer at Hopkins Hill and later grazed beef cattle. Warrnambool Technical School was established in 1913, firstly at a Timor Street site and later at Caramut Road (today it is known as Brauer College).
These drawing are of considerable interest as works produced by Ron Uebergang. Uebergang family members have been prominent in the Warrnambool-Allansford area since the pioneering days of the district. The drawings also are good examples of the type of work produced by Warrnambool Technical School students in its early years.
Physical description
These are two designs and drawings by Ron Uebergang produced at the Warrnambool Technical School in 1919. They are drawn on white card using black and red ink. The scale of the Flywheel is three inches to one foot and the Bevel Wheels are one-third full size. The drawings are edged with heavy black lines. The two sheets have the signature of Ron Uebergang. There are also four pages of handwritten notes on the Flywheel and Bevel Wheels.
Inscriptions & markings
‘Designed by R. Uebergang’
‘Drawn by R.Uebergang’
‘Date 4/1/19’ (on Flywheel sheet)
‘Date 27/5/19’ (on Bevel Wheels sheet)