Historical information

This trophy was won by Mrs H. Powell (Selina Jane) for the highest number of points in Classes I and J (Cooking) at the Orbost Agricultural Show, August 1927.
Selena Powell came from Eden to Orbost at the age of 18. She met and married Henry James Powell in Orbost.


This ornate silver plated jug has aesthetic significance as well as being representative of trophies awarded at an early Orbost Show.

Physical description

A tapered electro-plated silver jug / coffee pot with a hinged lid. It has an ornate handle. Engraved in a shield on the front is : "Presidents Trophy Won by Mrs H. Powell Class I. & J. Orbost Agricultural Show., August 1927." On the other side is a smaller shield with entwined initials - possibly S J P.

Inscriptions & markings

On the back: Thomas Otley & Sons R131