Historical information

This is a photocopy of a booklet produced in the early 1900s by the firm of A.Robinson & Co. of Warrnambool. Alexander Robinson, the son of James and Jane Robinson (farmers) was born in Warrnambool in 1862. He was an award-winning coach and carriage builder, firstly in partnership with Frederick Morse in Fairy Street and later with his own company A. Robinson and Co. By the early 20th century he was also selling and repairing motor cars. Alex Robinson was a Warrnambool City Councillor from 1904 to 1910 and from 1922 to 1927 and Mayor on two occasions. His business site is now occupied by Callaghan Motors.


Although this is only a photocopy it is of great interest as the photocopied photographs are clear and show us exactly what type of horse-drawn vehicles were in use in the Warrnambool area at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The firm of A. Robinson was a prominent one in Warrnambool and Alex Robinson was active in civic affairs in the town.

Physical description

This is a photocopy of a booklet produced by Alexander Robinson advertising his Steam Carriage Works in the early 1900s. The pages are bound together with a plastic clip and the back cover is a piece of stiff cardboard. The booklet contains black and white photographs of the factory building and of the buggies, wagons, jinkers and carts for sale. It also has a page detailing the prizes won by the firm at Agricultural Shows all over Victoria.