Historical information

This book belonged to Roma Cameron. In the 1920's most of children's school work was done in copy books. Drawing as a subject generally began in Year 2. Each day's work was carefully dated and checked by the teacher, always ready for an inspector's visit.
Roma Cameron was the daughter of Harry Purchase Cameron and Lilian Gladys (nee Harding). Roma married Ronald Richard Smith in 1944 and is the mother of Lorraine (Mrs Peter Coulton) and Margaret Smith.
Harry's father, James Cameron, came to Bellagoogan on Majors Creek in 1882. Bellagoogan was on Majors Creek near Orbost and was the site of the first race course. Like many others at the time, the Camerons bred race horses.Harry died in 1964 aged 75.
Roma was the youngest of three siblings: Jean (Mrs John Gavin (Jack) Ralston) and James (Jim) (m. Joan Hosack).


This book is an example of school work in the early 20th century. The Cameron family are prominent members of the Orbost community.

Physical description

A small book with a grey cover. Inside are simple shapes to be copied.

Inscriptions & markings

inside cover: Roma Cameron 1928