Historical information

This is a novella by Wendy Scarfe. She is a novelist and writer who lives in Warrnambool with her writer husband Alan Scarfe. She graduated from the University of Melbourne and Melbourne Secondary Teachers’ College and has taught in Australia, England and India. Her final teaching post was at Warrnambool High School. She has published many novels, biographies, volumes of poetry and other books dealing with social issues.


This book is important because it was written by a local Warrnambool author, Wendy Scarfe. She has twice been awarded an Australian Council Literature Board Special Purpose Grant and has a fine reputation as a writer.

Physical description

This is a soft cover book of 120 pages. It has a light grey cover with black print and red lines on the front cover and critics’ comments in black print on the back cover. The book has a prologue and the rest of it is a novella set in World War One Australia.

Inscriptions & markings

Signature inside first page: ‘E.Douglas 8 McKiernan Rd Warrnambool 1992’