Historical information

This card was sent to his sister Elsie by 9028 Joseph Haygarth, Farrier Sgt. 9028 Farrier Sgt Haygarth enlisted on 15 July 1915 setrved with DAC 2nd Division and returned to Australia in 1919.


This card was Christrmas Card was sent by 9028 Farrier Sgt J Haygarth to his sister Elsie and her children for Christmas 1917.

Physical description

An oblong card with a paper insert. Thed two pieces are held together with purple cotton thread.

Inscriptions & markings

On the card front - two flags, the Union Jack and a Red Ensign.
On the paper insert - Christmas 1917, a poem "Though I'm only one of millions...Peace and happiness proclaim. From Farrier Sgt J Haygarth. 2nd DAC AIF. To Elsie and the Children, wishing you all a Merry Xmas and a bright and Happy New Year.