Geelong RSL
Our collection
Geelong RSL (2013)
Military Collection
Geelong RSL
Military Collection
The Medals are issued to National Servicemen who served between 1951 and 1959.
Original Medal issued to 3785217 R J Kiddle
Anniversary of National Service Medal and The Australian Defence Medal
3785217R J Kiddle
medals 3785217 r j kiddle, national service
This print is a portrayal of Nurses during WW1
The print shows nurses on location during WW1, their environment and conditions they worked in.
nurses in locations
This a Geelong RSL Membership Card dated 1945
This is an original Card, the card was issued to VX20784 Thomas A Bowden, a WW2 Veteran, Rat of Tobruk.
An oblong Card, black cover, paper information page insert
Front Cover Capitals, Geelong, RSL Badge, RSSAILA
The Radio and others were made for the Sig Corps US Army, the serial No is 6269, the Order No is 4671-Phila-42
The Radio is an original
Steel Black Box
The Allen D Cardwell Manifacturing Group
These Pocket Watches were used during WW2
This is an original York Lever Pocket Watch
A round steel backed, glass front pocket watch
on the front of the watch face York Lever
VX39077 Neil Ross enlisted in to the AIF on 21 November 1940 at Royal Park and was posted to 2/29 Battalion, The Battalion completed training at Bonegilla and Bathurst and then went to Malaya as part of the 27th Brigade, assigned to 8th Division. This Battalion fought in several actions prior to being captured on 15 February 1942 in Singapore. On return to Australia SSgt spent time in Military Hospital prior to Discharge October 1946.
All of the items in this collection are originals as issued to SSgt Ross.
A collection of items belonging to the Ross Family.
The items belong to VX39077 SSgt Neil Ross
ross, 2/29th battalion, 27th brigade, 8th division
ThreGlasses have been made to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Gallipoli, 1990
The glasses are originals
A set of six (6) glasses, clear glass an ANZAC Badge on each glass.
An ANZAC Badge on each glass, inscribed 75 Anniversary, 1990
glasses, 75th anniversary gallipoli
This Plate was commissioned by the RSL of Australia to9 commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of the ANZAC Troops Landing at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915.
The item is an original, theIssue Number is 562
A round plate, cream colour, a picture of Gallipoli Peninsula in the centre and smaller pictures round the ende of the plate. The flags of Australia and New Zealand at the top of the plate.
on the front of the plate 1915 to 1990, Landing at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915. On the back of the plate - This limited edition collector's plate was commissioned by the Returned and Services League of Australia to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of the ANZAC Troops landing at Gallipoli on the 25 April 1915. Signature of Brigadier A B Garland AM (RL) Issue Number 562
gallipoli, diamond jubilee plate
Medallions depicting Infantry, Medical, Light Horse Artillery, They also Served, Navy. from pictures from collections.
This set is Number 1620 of 10,000.
7 x round medallions, brass alloy, polished silver, engraved pictires on both sides of the each medallion. Gallipoli Sand from the Gallipoli Peninsula.
Images on the medallions are from Australian War Memorial, The New Zealand Army, Subritzky Collection, Digger History Collection
gallipoli, medallions
The Royal British Legion is a Charity providing support to members of the British Armed Forces and their Families. The Legion was formed on 15 May 1921 and combined four organizations that had been raised after WW1 into one, The Royal British Legion. There is a branch of The Royal British Legion in Melbourne and meets Monthly.
This is an original item as presented to the Geelong RSL President.
A framed Motto of the Royal British Legion, timber frame, silver coloured photograph.
The Royal British Legion, Service Not Self, Teign Mouth Devon. Presented to Geelong RSL by Gordon Randell, Newquay Royal British Legion, Cornwall, UK, President
royal, british, legion
The Book 'The Book of Life is Brief' is the family history of the Moorfoot Family. In the book is reference to Kenneth Thomas Moorfoot a Geelong man who served during WW2. Kenneth Thomas Moorfoot was a Service Member of the Geelong RSL and graced the RSL Bowls Green with distintion for many years, he appears on the Championship Boards at the Geelong RSL Bowls Club.
A Family History of the Moorfoot/Burrows Family.
Book, 111 pages, hard cover with a dust cover, gold colour covers.
Inscribed to the Geelong RSL from the Moorfoot (Burrows) Family,
moorfoot, burrows
This cap belonged to a member of the Women's Air Training Corps. The Corps was established in 1939 in Brisbane. The Corps preceded the Women's Auxiliary Australian Air Force by 18 months.
The Cap and Badges are originals
Blue Forage Cap, Photograph, Two Badges
Inside the Cap - Imperial Cap Co Pty Ltd Size 6 7/3rd, Badge - WATC, Cap Badge - wings with Australian Map and initials WATC Black and white photograph 6x4. Initials R Sk inside the Cap.
forage cap, watc
This flag was commissioned by the Geelong City Council. The Geelong & District Returned Soldiers' Reception Committee appears to have been Functional 1918-1920.
The Flag is an Original
Cloth Flag - Union Jack
In an oval circle in the middle of the flag - Welcome Home Geelong & District Returned Saliors and Soldiers' Reception Committee.
union jack, geelong city council
VX27255 Kevin M Doherty enlisted in the Australian Army on 15 June 1940 and became o Prisoner of War. The items in this collection I believe would have been collected during this mans enlistment.
The Items are original and provide a service history of VX27255 K M Doherty
5 reproduction photographs, 2 silk scarves, 1 mother of pearl necklace
1 Photograph - Kevin Michael Doherty Private VX27255 1 silk scarf with the Rising Sun embriodered on one corner 1 mother of pearl necklace, hand made?
vx27255 k m doherty, silk scarfs, photographs, prisoner of war
This souvenir card "to the ANZACS Christmas 1915" was produced with greeting messages from General Sir Ian Hamilton, General Sir William Birdwood and Senator Pearce. The card was being sent by Australian Women in England to all Invalided Australians in England, Egypt and Malta. It would appear that Lady Birdwood was one of many behind the production of the Card. On the back of the Drawing Page is a note from Dr S H Archibald, 6th A S C dated 27 December 1915 "This card was given to me by Miss Birdwood, who is a Nurse on the Hospital Staff."
The Card and the "With Compliments" page are original as were sent to Invalid Australians in England, Egypt and Malta in December 1915.
An oblong card, an off while colour with a paper insert held in place by a tied cotton thread.
Front a Rising Sun, a picture of General Sir William R Birdwood, a message from General Sir Ian Hamilton, a Cooee to Australia drawing from Gen William Birdwood, inside last page a message from Gen Ian Hamilton. On the back page of the drawing is a note from Dr S H Achibald 6th A S C dated 27 December 1915. There is also a page with the Card issued with the Compliments of the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia.
hamilton, birdwood, christmas card, senator pearce, christmas card
VX32317 Francis O Bryne was born in Horsham and enlisted into the AIF for service in WW2. This Certificate has been issued by the Shire of Wimmera to recognize the service of VX32317 F O Bryne who was a resident of this Shire.
This is the original certificate that was issued to VX32317 Francis O Bryne,
An oblong brown framed Certificate. White paper inscription by Shire of Wimmera.
A presentation Certificate to VX32317 Francis O Bryne from the Shire of Wimmera.
vx32317 francis o bryne, certificate of recognition, shire of wimmera
This is an original belt, however the name on the back is illegible, except for WO1. The Sam Browne belt is named after Sam Browne who when injured devised the belt to hold a sword and the belt had two shoulder pieces when a pistol was added.
This is an original Sam Browne belt.
Leather Belt.
On the back of the belt WW1, name is not legible
sam browne, belt
This Medal belongs to VX122136 Andrew G Ellis, he was born in Geelong and enlisted in the AIF in Seymour. VX122136 A G Ellis served during WW2.
This Medal is the original that belonged to VX122136 A G Ellis, who served during WW2.
War Medal 1939-1945 - round silver, Ribbon - cloth, red, blue and white
VX1221136 A G Ellis inscribed on the bottom of the medal.
vx122136, andrew george ellis, ww2
This Suitcase was issued to 49974 Kenneth Moore who served with RAAF during WW2.
This Suitcase is original and was issued to 49974 Kenneth Moore, RAAF.
Brown, oblong suitcase.
On the front of the suitcsase, 49974, RAAF
49974, kenneth moore, raaf, suitcase
SX37291 J W Vienna enlisted into the Australian Army on 07 October 1944 and was posted to 67th Battalion (BCOF).
The items are the originals belonging to SX 37291 J W Vienna.
Medals, photographs, lapel badges
SX 37291 J W Vienna, Medals include Pacific Star, War Medal 1939-1945, Korea Medal, Korea UN Medal.
sx37291 j w vienna,, photogtaphs, lapel badges
This mask belonged to Tina Howard, 1922-2015, Tina lived in Glasgow during WW2 and was required to carry the mask at all times.
This is an original mask
A gas mask in a vinyl 'V' shaped cover,
On the mask VRB 4.40, medium
gas mask, tina howard, glasgow
Australian Army Signaller Trade Proficiency Badges were worn during the WW2 era ?1930-1942
This is an original badge
Metal, crossed flags, ?brass, backing plate, has two split pins.
signallier badge
The bleuet de France is the symbol used in France to finance War Veterans, very similar the the Poppy. The bleuet de France is available for sale on 11 November and 08 May each year. Similar to the poppy this flower continued to grow in land devastated by shelling and military activity.
This pin is an original.
A Blue metal flower (cornflower) on a metal lapel pin.
bleuet de france, poppy like flower
These three Books, AAB 83, AAb 87 and AAF F 204 have belonged to Pte R G Fitz. Pte Fitz is a Victorian, he enlisted on 02 August 1941, interestingly his discharge was from 153 Aust Port Craft Coy, RAE.
VX111423 Pte R G Fitz enlisted in the AIF on 02 August 1941, the books are originals that belonged to Pte Fitz.
AAB 83 Record of Service Book, AAB 87 Demolization Procedure Book, AAF F 204 Members Personal Equipment Card
All books - VX111423 Pte R G Fitz
vx111423 r g fitz, aab 83, aab 87, aaf f 204
There are seven (7) items here, the AAB83, AAB 87, A M Form M7, The Australian Soldiers Pocket Book, a New Testament (printed in 1916 at the Cambridge University Press), The Book of Common Prayer (Eyre & Spottiswoode), Diocese of Sydney, Forms of Prayer and Hymns, Form of Service - Church Parades of the AMF, a note book of information collected by Pte Reid.
V166315 Pte C R Reid was a Geelong man who lived in Moolap, he enlisted in the AMF on 23 March 1942. All the docume nts are original and belonged to Pte Reid.
AAB 83 Record of Service Book, AAB 87 Demobilization Procedure Book, AM Form M 7 Record of Service Book, The Australian Soldiers Pocket Book.
Army Number V166315 Pte C R Reid, West Moolap, via Geelong.
v166315 pte c r reid, aab 83, aab 87, am form m7
The family of 826 Harry James Britter have collected paper clippings, cablegrams, greeting cards relating to the Service of H J Britter, who enlisted into the AIF on 12 July 1915, he was posted to 31 Battalion. In WW1 this Battalion initially went to Egypt, the Battalion consisted of two companies from Queensland and two companies from Victoria.
The documents are originals and have been preserved by the family of 8216 Harry J Britter, a Geelong man who enlisted into the AIF on 12 July 1915
Paper clippings, Cablegrams, Greeting Cards
Paper clippings - with photographs of 826 H J Britter, PMG Cablegrams from Britter to wife etc, Military PMG Cablegrams re Britter injured in hospital. Greeting Cards from Britter to wife.
31 battalion, 826 harry j britter
This book was compiled by 1557 Gnr F E Westbrook. Gnr Westbrook was posted to 4th Battery 2nd F A B, he enlisted into the AIF 16 Sep 1914.
This booklet is of War Verses and Other Poems by 1557 Gnr F E Westbrook. Gnr Westbrook Enlisted into the AIF in Bairnsdale in 1914, Victoria, he served in 4th Battery, 2nd F A B and went to Egypt, Gallipoli and France.
A grey coloured book, white pages, oblong shape, 47 pages.
front page - Echoes of ANZAC, by Gnr F E Westbrook , Late 2nd F A B. Introduction by the late Gen Sir James Whitesides McCay. Price One Shilling.
1557 gnr f e westbrook, book echoes of anzac
RSL Affiliate Membership was introduced in 1969 in South Australia. Now SA, Victoria, WA and Tasmania offer Affiliate Membership.
This is an original Affiliate Badge.
A squarish badge, crown on top, cream colour, blue inscribed ribbons, air force wings, rising sub and anchor in the middle of the badge.
Returned and Services League, Affiliate. Reverse - Aust Made, V14523, Not Transferable, Property of RSL, A J Parks
1969, affiliate membership, south australia