Exercise Book, A Carroll Exercise Book

Historical information

This exercise book was donated by Donna Daly, who found it among her parents belongings. Her parents were Josie and Tich Kelly and she was unsure of the connection with A Carroll.


This document is significant as it indicates records kept on-farm by some farmers. It records prices received for milk, calves, pigs and the amount of the government subsidy during this period which covers the time of World War II.
It provides an interesting comparison with the Taylor milk passbook from 1895 and associated milk slips which are also held by Warrnambool Cheese & Butter Factory.

Physical description

Fawn coloured exercise book with pictures of old sewing machines on the front cover and Arithmetic tables on the back in blue printing. The contents include farm records from 1935 to 1945 documenting income from dairy, calves and pigs.

Inscriptions & markings

A Carroll (front cover)
A Carroll, Mepunga West (back cover)

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