Historical information

Ten Pretty Girls was composed by Jimmy Kennedy and Will Grosz wrote the lyrics. The song was written in the 1930's.
Broadcasting from Sydney from 1936, Jim Davidson’s ABC Dance Band, with the trumpeter Jim Gussey, the vocalist Alice Smith and the trombonist and arranger George Trevare, became the most popular in the country. It presented dance programs on Friday and Saturday evenings and played for other ABC shows including `Out of the Bag’ and `A.B.C. Parade’. In 1937-39 the band made three interstate tours, with a variety of artists including Bob Dyer, Tex Morton and Gladys Moncrieff. Davidson was a strict but encouraging leader who inspired great loyalty in his players. (ref adb.anu.edu.au/biography)


This is an example of the kind of music popular in the first half of the 20th century.

Physical description

Sheet music for "Ten Pretty Girls". The front cover is red and green and has a photograph of Jim Davidson from the A.B.C. National Dance Orchestra.
There are details of the composer and lyricist and in the bottom right corner the price -2/-.