Historical information

This book, published in England, has been awarded as a school prize in 1887. Woodford School, No. 648, was an early National School which commenced in a house in 1854. In 1872 a sandstone building was erected. The school still operates. James Craig was the Head Master of Woodford School from 1884 to 1889. His wife was the Work Mistress of the school and both were involved in community affairs, particularly in regard to the Presbyterian Church and the local Mechanics’ Institute. Annis Morgan was born at Woodford to Jenkin and Mary Morgan in 1874. She would have been about 13 at the time she received the prize book. Annis (Ann) married Alan Patterson in 1897.


This book is of considerable significance as it is connected with the history of Woodford, the Woodford school, the teacher, James Craig, the pupil, Annis Morgan and her family.

Physical description

This is a hard cover book of 812 pages The cover is black with an engraved ornamental pattern and edging and gold printing in the title on the cover and the spine. There is gilt edging on the pages. There is a bookplate on the inside front cover and one or two pages at the beginning are missing. The book contains many black and white illustrations with the first one covered by a piece of tissue (now blotched). The book contains poetry, short stories (some serialized) and some factual writing suitable for older children and adults. The cover is stained and somewhat faded and is ragged at the edges.

Inscriptions & markings

Bookplate: ‘State School No. 648 Woodford, Fifth Class, presented to Annis Morgan, Christmas 1887, Jas. Craig, Head Teacher’.
Stamp inside first page: ‘Warrnambool & District Historical Society WB 196’