Historical information

This is a Reading Book of the Irish National Board of Education adapted for use in schools in Victoria, Australia. Irish School Readers were used in Victoria under the National School System in the 1850s and continued to be used in the 1860s and 70s under the Common School System and the introduction of the State School System after 1872. Readers produced in Victoria for Australian children did not become prominent until the 20th century (School Papers 1898 and Victorian Readers 1928). The signature of Hugh Adams in this book indicates that the book may have come from one of the Adams families farming in the Wangoom area near Warrnambool. There were several boys in these families named Hugh and it is unclear which one owned this book.


This book is of interest as an early school reader used in the Warrnambool area and as a book belonging to a member of a local Adams family in the 19th century.

Physical description

This is a hard cover book of 285 pages. It has a brown cover with the title and ornamentation etched into the cover. The book contains prose extracts and poetry with the extracts headed by the derivation and pronunciation of some of the words in the text. There are a few illustrations and sketches. Some of the illustrations have been coloured and scribbled on. The book has been bound with string and glue with the lower portion of the spine cover missing. The book is very tattered.

Inscriptions & markings

‘Hugh Adams’ (back pages and on page 279)