Historical information
This plaque is the name plate of one of Warrnambool's longest serving doctors. Alfred Ernest Brauer came to Warrnambool after graduating from the University of Melbourne in 1927. He initially took up the position as resident medical officer at the Warrnambool Base Hospital before entering private practice. he was appointed honorary medical officer at the hospital and was a life member of the Hospital board , serving as its president from 1952-54.he was a founding member of the South Western Victoria Ambulance service.as vice president, a position he held until his death in 1972.He had wide sporting and community interests including cricket, football, and horseracing. He was a founding member of the Warrnambool Lutheran church and was closely associated with Warrnambool High School and Warrnambool Technical School. he died in September 1972 and was survived by his wife and three daughters. His practice was situated in Koroit StWarrnambool, firstly at Ambleside where he also lived, then later on the other side of the street , in practice with a number of other doctors.
A link to one of Warrnambool's longest serving doctors who contributed to the city in a wide range of roles. It therefore has strong historic and social significance.
Physical description
Rectangular brass plaque stamped and infilled with black. A screw hole in each of the four corners.
Inscriptions & markings
Dr. Alfred Brauer physician & Surgeon