Work on paper - Artwork, Nude 3 (Nude on Sofa and Persian rugs reclining away from viewer) by John Brack, c1982

Physical description

Framed, limited edition lithograph. Originally produced to be bound in a book by private press publisher Tate Adams.

The suite of lithographs for the book was started by John Brack in September 1981 and finished and published in December 1982. The book was launched with a series of original conte drawings, from which the lithographs were based, in Realities Galleries, Melbourne. As such a high cost of production was involved in the binding of the book, only fifteen copies were originally bound for exhibition and sale at the show. Subsequent to this approximately another thirty copies were bound, making a total finished edition of fewer than fifty copies, far less than the anticipated 200. A number of the 50 hors commerce editions have been sold as individual plates through auctions and galleries. A number of sheets were recently discovered through the estate of Brack’s art dealer Rudy Komon, from which this book has been bound. This work is from Rudy Koman's estate.

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