Book, In The Wilds of Africa, 1901

Historical information

This is a boy’s adventure book owned by Francis Skuse of Strathallan, Allansford in 1906. Francis Skuse, the son of John and Catherine Skuse, was a grazier at the property Strathallan, six kilometres from Allansford. His property included the Strathallan mine which had limestone/carbonates deposits. He died in 1962.


This book is of interest because it was owned by Francis Skuse, a farmer and long-time resident of Strathallan, near Allansford.

Physical description

This is a hard cover book of 558 pages. It has a blue cover with the names of the title and author in blue print on a gold background. The front cover and the spine are patterned with scrolls and imprints of sailing ships. The book contains several black and white sketches. The inscription on the first page, with the page partly detached, is handwritten in blue ink.

Inscriptions & markings

‘Francis Skuse, Strathallan, Allansford, June 3rd 1906’.

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