Historical information

Samuel Carson was a local farmer who in the late 1800's acquired land to the West of Warrnambool in the Farnham park estate and towards Tower Hill near Gorman's lane. By the time of his death on may 23, 1920 he left an amount of 11666 pounds. apart from amounts left to individuals, he bequeathed one hundred pounds each to ten different orphanages, and homes for neglected children and the blind and leaving the remainder to charitable organisations at the discretion of his trustees.The donation of 3500 pounds in August 1922 was in the latter category. This plaque commemorates Samuel Carson's generosity to the newly refurbished Warrnambool base hospital. he left a son William who farmed at Yangery at the time of his father's death


This item is significant in that it links a local identity through his generous donation to the local hospital. It therefore has strong social,historical and interpretative value.

Physical description

Heavy rectangular cast brass plate with raised edge and text in capitals. Corners have rounded cutouts and there is a hole in each corner for attachment.

Inscriptions & markings

The Samuel Carson Childrens' Ward.