Historical information

Items belonging to Thomas Henry ISER. He enlisted initialy on 24.7.1939 in the CMF No V34933 with the 17th MG Regt age 21 years. Promoted to Lieut 20.12.1940, transfers to ARMD Corp 1.5.1941. He begins full time CMF on 29.7.1941, promoted T/Capt 25.9.1941, transfers to the 2nd AIF 15.8.1942 as No VX102660, transfers to the 2/10th ARMD Regt 20.7.1943, promoted Capt 6.2.1944, transfers to the 24th Inf Batt on 29.9.1944, embarks for Bougainville 5.1.1945 and returns home on 26.10.1945, appointment terminated in the AIF on 12.11.1945.

Physical description

.1) Army Driver' s Licence, Brown buckram cover, No 128377 issued to ISER, Thomas Henry Army No VX102660.
.2) Instructions about accidents involving military vehicles.

Inscriptions & markings

.2) Signed "N E BACON Lieut"