Historical information

Leslie Alfred TENNANT VX55621 enlisted in the 2nd AIF on 12.5.41. On discharge from the AIF 30.10.45 he was a Craftsman in 2/4th Base Work Shops.
Cat No 520 is another card from Les to A McLURE.
Refer Cat No 536 for more information re Miss A McLURE.

Physical description

Christmas card made from cardboard, folds in half, has red and blue cord where it folds in half, front has drawing of a town with a mosque , card is yellowish with blue coloured drawing.

Inscriptions & markings

Inside card in pen " Dear Mrs. McClure I wish you and all your family a Merry Xmas and a happy new year, from Your sincere friend Les Tennant VX55621 PTE L.A. Tennant."