Albert Telfer White (1918) collection

Historical information

Significant items relating to Albert Telfer White who entered Ballarat College April 1912 and left December 1918. Albert was born 29 June 1897 at his home 'Ashford Vale" farm, Cuthbert's Road, Cardigan. Albert, a second generation Australian, was the fourth son and sixth of eleven children born to dairy farmer John White and his wife Elizabeth, nee Douglas. Albert attended Bunker's Hill State School prior to enrolling at Ballarat College. After College he obtained employment with the engineering firm Ronaldson and Tippett in Ballarat.
Following his eighteenth birthday Albert enlisted in the AIF in Ballarat with the rank of Private, No 2012. He embarked for the Middle East with 23rd Battalion on 26 August 1915 and was 'taken on strength at the Gallipoli Peninsular 25 October 1915".
On 10 January 1916 Albert was posted to Alexandria, Egypt and during this time he was able to meet with his aunt Rose Douglas, an Australian Army Nursing Sister. This was a great comfort to his family.
Albert was sent to France 19 March 1916 and transferred to the 22nd Battalion. He was mentioned in dispatches for 'good and gallant conduct' 5 August (1917?). Albert was hospitalised 30 March 1918, rejoined 22nd Battalion 3 June 1918, wounded in action 3 October 1918 but died of wounds at Rouen 10 October 1918. news of his death was received by his family n Australia just prior to the armistice.
Albert Telfer White's sacrifice is commemorated at Ballarat College, Avenue of Honour Ballarat (Tree 1214), Ballarat Shire Honour Avenue Learmonth (Tree 163) and the Australian War Memorial Canberra.
(These notes provided by family November 2016)

Physical description

Collections of items including:
Bayonet, Carl Eickhorn, Solingen, (29.A.159 engraved on handle)
Trench shovel
The ANZAC book 1916 (flyleaf inscribed: No 2012 / Pte A T White / H Quarters / 22nd Battalion / 6th Inf Brigade / France)
Gallipoli medal with documentation
First World War Mothers’ and Widows’ Badge
Next of Kin Memorial Plaque (Death Penny) and accompanying letter from King George V
Imperial War Graves Commission documentation and photograph
Australia Graves Services In Memory card and photograph
Documentation relating to Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour, Learmonth Memorial Wall, Ballarat and Learmonth Avenues of Honours
Documentation from the Australian Army Records office
Documentation relating to Military Medal, 1914/15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal (whereabouts unknown, November 2016)
Portraiture of Albert Telfer White as a child, as a young adult (civilian dress), in full kit (A I E F formal), and at camp 1915
Portraiture of sisters Cis, Addie, Bessie, Evelyn (with personal inscriptions)
Four postcards (one with letter from Albert ‘at sea’ to his mother - undated)
Death notice (unreferenced newspaper clipping)
Biographical and family relationship details
Photocopy of The White Family 1906 showing (standing) Adeline, Leslie, Harold (father), Muriel (mother), William; (seated) Albert, John (Grandfather), Elizabeth, Allan, Elizabeth (Grandmother), Evelyn (baby) and Benjamin

Inscriptions & markings

The ANZAC book 1916 (flyleaf inscribed: No 2012 / Pte A T White / H Quarters / 22nd Battalion / 6th Inf Brigade / France)
Gallipoli medal: engraved on reverse: A T WHITE
Embossed lettering on death penny: ALBERT TELFER WHITE
Handwritten on reverse of portraits: Lovingly yours / Cis / 21/11/17; your / loving sister / Addie; your loving / sister / Evelyn; Yours lovingly / Bessie
Handwritten on back of postcard of ship H M A T 'Anchisis' 14.3.16: Dear Mother, I am sending you a card / of the boat we are on. Our deck is right / on the back. I have marked it with an X. / We are not allowed to put the date on or / where we are. I am sitting on the deck now / holding the card in my hand so it is hard / to write. We are together yet haven't been / separated Bill, Matt and myself. Haven't / had anything to do. I will write a couple / of letters now. Albert
Handwritten on back of postcard photograph of Albert at camp: 30th September 1915 / Dear Mother / There is a studio at the / camp so Matt and I got our Photos / taken yesterday morning, & got them/ this morning. I am sending / Ciss one of Matt.

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