Historical information

This image provides an additional later modified building view to that of the image of the original single storey building image published on back page of the 1910 MTS Annual Report. According to the Annual Report of 1915 the plans to build a residence on top ( the 2nd storey ) of the Port Melbourne building got the go ahead to commence and opened 1916. Originally designed by architect, Frederick Williams, who built the first brick Mission at Port Melbourne in the 19th C. Walter Butler was commissioned for the second storey.


The Port Melbourne building in the image established in the 19th C., still survives. It was a key centre of operations for the Mission prior to the building of the Mission near Australian Wharf in 1907 and prior to the eventual opening of the current "Central Mission" in 1917. NB operations of The Port Melbourne Branch Mission were eventually transferred to the King George V memorial Building, dedicated in December 1937 but demolished in 1995. The Mission depicted here still survives as part of an apartment complex on the corner of Nott st.

Physical description

Positive photograph on medium format glass slide ; b & w image of brick building taken from a corner street level view, with upper storey at one end on glass transparency with a flagpole and flag (Flying Angel) just discernible. The slide is edged with adhesive tape.