Historical information

Edgar Frederick Dawson DCM No 4472 enlisted in the 14th reinforcements 7th Batt AIF on 8.7.15. Embarked for Eygpt 28.1.16. Transferred to 57th Batt 1.4.16. Promoted Sergeant 4.4.16. Embarked for France 17.6.16. Hospital on arrival at Marseille with Influenza 22.6.16. WIA remaining on duty 17.12.16. Promoted to CSM 7.2.17. Promoted to RSM 5.4.17. Awarded the "The Distinguished Conduct Medal" at Glencorse Wood over period 25-27 Sept 1917. (Refer 894) Hospital 24.4.18 with Cellilitis back. Discharged from the AIF 13.4.19. Refer 207P, 208.7,1826.

Physical description

Copy of Certificate of Discharge from the AIF re E.F Dawson No 4472 57th Batt AIF. Certificate details enlistment date, Name, Rank, Regt No, age, service home and abroad and discharge date.