Historical information

The movement order was issued to Frederick Arthur William Hutson No 3539. He enlisted in the 8th reinforcements 21st Batt AIF on 28.7.15 age 23 years 2 months. Embarked for Egypt 29.12.15, transfers to 60th Batt 26.2.16 then to 57th batt on 15.3 16, embark for France 17.6.16, promoted L/Cpl 20.9.16, hospital 31.10.16 with Bronchitis, return to duty 9.11.16, hospital 20.1.17 dental, return to duty following day, promoted to Cpl 1.6.18, discharged from the AIF 31.8.19.

Physical description

Note paper ruled vertically and horizontally with a brief note in ink to report to HQ 5th Australian Division. Stamped in red ink with date.

Inscriptions & markings

57th Battalion AIF 26 Oct 18