Historical information

Stalag 344 was a German POW camp near Lambsdorf in Silesia.
Douglas GRANT VX8604 enlisted in the 2nd AIF on 23.11.1939 age 33 years 7 months. Posted to the 2/8th Bn on 5.12.1939, embarked for the Middle East on 14.4.1940, disembarked 18.5.1940, embarked for Greece 31.3.1941, reported missing Crete date unknown, officially reported POW 27.10.1941 Stalag V11A. He was also in Stalag 8B before Stalag 344. He arrived in the U.K on 8.5.1945, embarked for Australia 30.5.1945 arriving 7.7.1945. He was hospitalised with Depression and Anxiety State and classed Medically unfit and was discharged from the Army on 13.5.1946.
Refer also Cat No 1092P.

Physical description

German post card letter with heading at the top: Kriegsgelangenenpost. The letter folds in 3, the front printed with space for address to, the rear same for the sender. Inside are ruled lines for a letter. A letter in pencil dated Mar 10th and signed by Doug. A small section of the start is missing. A sticker in red states: Opened by Censor.