coin, 1943

Historical information

This coin with frozen year 1943 was restruck in 1951 three years after Ceylon's independence in 1948.


Between 1948 and 1972, Ceylon was an independent country in the Commonwealth of Nations that shared a monarch with the United Kingdom. In 1948, the British Colony of Ceylon was granted independence as Ceylon. In 1972, the country became a republic its name was changed to Sri Lanka.
This coin was minted in the period before Ceylon's name was changed to Sri Lanka.

Physical description

A small nickel-brass round coin. On the obverse side is a crowned head facing left. The lettering is: GEORGE VI KING AND EMPEROR OF INDIA.
On the reverse there is a crown at top dividing the 1943 date with the denomination below: 25 CENTS CEYLON.

Crown at top divides date, denomination below

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