Historical information

Carnival glass is moulded or pressed glass, always with a pattern and always with a shiny, metallic, 'iridescent' surface shimmer. Carnival glass gets its iridescent sheen from the application of metallic salts while the glass is still hot from the pressing. A final firing of the glass brings out the iridescent properties of the salts, giving carnival glass the distinct shine it is known for. (ref. Wikipedia)
This bowl belonged to Mrs Edith May Hanrahan (nee Whitford), a WW1 war bride, who came to Orbost around 1920 on the Orcades. Oliver ( a farm hand) and Edith Hanrahan lived at 37 Gladstone Street, Orbost.


This item is an excellent example of amber / orange carnival glass.

Physical description

A bronze / apricot glass sweets bowl. It is orange carnival glass with flowers cut into the base and scalloped edges. It has a small handle on each side. the base is flat.