Book, Pacific flight, 1935

Historical information

This book has been part of a library that had been set up by the radio station 3YB in Warrnambool. This station was founded in 1936 from a Mobile Radio Station formed by Jack Young of Ballarat (hence the letter, YB). 3YB sponsored a Boys’ Club in the late 1930s and 1940s and a library for the boys was part of this sponsorship.


This book is of minor interest because it was part of the library connected to the Everyboys Club established in the late 1930s by the Warrnamboool Radio Station 3YB. The subject matter of the book, an account of the aviation exploits in the South Pacific region of the well-known aviator, P. G. Taylor, would have appealed to young boys at that time.

Physical description

This is a hard cover book of 262 pages. The cover is blue but the colour on the spine has faded to a brown shade. There is some black lettering on the spine and also a small library sticker with the number ‘31’ on it. The book has outline maps on the inside of both covers, a Foreword, a Contents page, a List of Illustrations, fifteen Chapters of Text and an Epilogue. There are many black and white photographs and illustrations scattered throughout the text. The first two pages contain several date stamps from a library and two stamps of the Everyboys Club, 3YB.

Inscriptions & markings

‘Everyboys Club, 3YB’

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