Historical information

This soda syphon is a device for dispensing carbonated or soda water. It was also called a Seltzer bottle. The design of soda syphons used in the 20th century was first created in the late 1830s and these bottles were especially popular in the 1920s and 30s. This Sparklets Company syphon was probably made in England but the company was manufacturing also in U.S.A. and Europe. This syphon has no known provenance but it could have been used in a hotel or a cordial factory in Warrnambool or district.


This soda syphon is of interest as an example of how soft drinks were dispensed 90 to 100 years ago. It will be useful for display.

Physical description

This is a heavy glass bottle with a heavy base. It has a metal mesh over the bottle with a metal (or material) red band around the bottle three-quarters of the way up from the bottom. The mechanisms for filling and siphoning at the top are made of metal (these include a funnel and two handles). Attached to the top and inside the bottle is a tube for syphoning. Directions for use are printed on the lid.

Inscriptions & markings

‘Admit gas slowly and shake vigorously’
Important. Do not fill the bottle above the red line’.