Historical information
This item, always known as a ‘Chinese Puzzle,’ has been in the collection of the Warrnambool and District Historical Society for many years. It is such an oddity that it is probable that it came from the collection of the old Warrnambool Museum which was established in the 1870s-80s and was dismantled in the 1960s. It had many objects of a bizarre nature such as this as many local people while on their travels brought back from many different countries objects deemed to be of unusual interest.
This item is of great interest as an oddity from the 19th century and it attracts great attention when it is displayed.
Physical description
This is a spherical-shaped imperial quart thick glass bottle with a cork in the top. It contains a clear liquid filling two-thirds of the bottle. Inside the bottle and filling it to the top of its main section are several pieces of metal of varying shapes. These originally were part of a puzzle, presumably with the object being to unlock the shapes from each other. These have now been connected to each other with what looks like thin wire. The liquid is still reasonably clear. The cork is a little worn at the top.
Inscriptions & markings
‘Imperial Quart’