Photograph - Black and white photograph, Ballarat Junior Technical School - outside the Gaol wall - 1921, c1921

Historical information

In February 1913 the Ballarat Junior Technical School opened its doors to its 86 pupils. The old bluestone building in the grounds of the Dana Street Primary School became their temporary home for eight years. In its early years the school offered only a two-year course. The first year was of a general nature giving a thorough grounding in Mathematics and Instrumental Drawing, and introducing students to the various branches of trade work. The second-year students studied for the Junior Technical Certificate and specialized in a course of their choice - either a trade (Woodwork or Fitting and Turning) or a course leading to higher studies at the School of Mines.
Increased enrolments - 86 to 110 in the second year. Some applicants were turned away due to lack of space. An abandoned single room school was brought in and this helped for a time. Plans were developed and a two-storied red brick building in the vacinity of the School of Mines was build. An acre of land was reclaimed from the north-east corner of the Ballarat Gaol. The school backed onto the wall of the gaol. The task of landscaping and terracing of the area was to cost a great deal and time. The boys did much of the heavy work. This kept them occupied as the official playground areas were still full of rubble. This photograph shows the work that has been done in terracing and landscaping the area.

Physical description

Junior Technical School with the slope from the gaol wall down to the area known as the Battery Paddock. New plantings and rock edging evident in the foreground.

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