Historical information

The Ware families were prominent early settlers in the Warrnambool district. But Doris Ware, the recipient of this, was probably the woman born in Echuca in 1887, the daughter of John and Sarah Ware and no other details are available on her. Muckleford is a town near Castlemaine


This book has been in the collection of the Warrnambool and District Historical Society for many years so it is presumed it has some connection to the local pioneering Ware families,

Physical description

This is a black leather-covered book of 1016 pages. The cover has embedded lettering on the front cover and gold lettering on the spine. The cover has come apart from the binding and has been mended with adhesive tape. The spine section of the cover is completely detached from the binding. The inscription is handwritten in black ink with later writing in blue ink.

Inscriptions & markings

‘Presented to Doris Ware from the Muckleford Methodist Sunday School. C.W. Talbot Sec.’