Historical information

This compass would have been used in a school or other educational institution for drawing a circle or part circle on a blackboard or whiteboard. A compass similar to this has been used in schools for many decades and may still be used.


This school blackboard compass has no known local provenance but was a common classroom item and will be useful for display.

Physical description

This is a wooden blackboard compass with two wooden prongs hinged at the top end with three metal screws. The other end of one prong has a pointed nail protruding for fixing to a blackboard or whiteboard and the end of the other prong has a metal part around the tip of the prong with a metal screw for adjustment and a hollow part to insert chalk or other large writing medium. The maker’s name and an outline of a map of Australia are engraved into the top part of one of the prongs.

Inscriptions & markings
