Historical information

This is a programme of a concert called ‘Grand Symphonic Concert and Irish Ballad Night’ staged by the Warrnambool Orchestral Society at the Warrnambool Town Hall on July 10th 1902. The conductor was Louis Bayer (1857-1907). Born in Germany, Bayer came to Warrnambool in 1891 and, with his wife, Eleanor, taught piano. violin, orchestration and singing and established the Warrnambool Orchestral Society. In 1896-7 Bayer was the musical director of the Warrnambool Industrial and Art exhibition, composing the Cantata for the opening ceremony and directing over 60 musical performances, including 22 operas and many concerts. Bayer was a composer and wrote several operas, including one called ‘Federation’. Bayer’s wife was an accompaniste at this symphonic concert and two of his sons played the horn and the drums. The soloists at this symphonic concert included Minnie Sloane, Lucy Meares and J. Robertson.


This programme is of great significance as it features a concert conducted by Louis Bayer, one of the most important musicians in Warrnambool’s history.

Physical description

This is a yellow-coloured piece of paper folded in two to make four pages. The pages have details of the concert programme, a list of members of the orchestra, one advertisement and a front page with the concert headings in a fancy border. The pages are somewhat torn at the folds and there is heavy staining, especially on the back page.