Historical information

These essays have been written by Walter Murdoch, a distinguished Australian academic and essayist. Murdoch (1874-1970) gained an Arts Degree at the University of Melbourne, with first class honours in philosophy and logic. In 1901 he came to Warrnambool, going into partnership with James Scott as proprietors of a private school, Warrnambool College. They bought out Warrnambool Grammar School, previously run by John Stanley. When Scott retired Murdoch became the sole proprietor and headmaster. While in Warrnambool Murdoch continued to write for Melbourne newspapers and published a book, ‘The Struggle for Freedom’ which covers English and Australian constitutional history. This book sold 10,000 copies in its first year. In 1904 Murdoch left Warrnambool to take up a lecturing position in English at the University of Melbourne. He went on to become the foundation Professor of English at the University of Western Australia and later its Chancellor. Murdoch University in Western Australia is named after him. Murdoch became a household name in Australia through his radio broadcasts and syndicated articles and literary columns in several Australian newspapers. During his lifetime Murdoch published over 40 works and he was knighted in 1964.


This book is of interest as one written by Walter Murdoch who not only is important in Australian literature and academic circles but also has his place in Warrnambool’s history.

Physical description

This is a hard cover book of 209 pages. The cover is green with black printing and has an image of a quill outlined in black. The spine is much faded. The book contains a Preface and 28 short essays. The inside cover and the edges of the pages are stained.