Book, The Complete Etiquette for Gentleman, c.1890

Historical information

This book has the sub-title: ‘A Complete Guide to the Table, the Toilette and the Ball Room with hints on Courtship, Music and Manners’. It was sold in Warrnambool at the book shop of C. & R. Lavery. They were early Warrnambool settlers and opened their bookselling and newsagent business in 1877. The shop was in the Oddfellows Hall in Koroit Street.


This book is of interest as an example of the type of book produced in the late 19th century as an instructional manual for men in the area of manners and etiquette. It is also of interest because it was sold by a local bookstore in Warrnambool.

Physical description

This is a hard cover book of 184 pages. The cover is green with black lines on the cover edges and the titles printed in black lettering. The book has several pages at the front and the back giving information on other books produced by the same publisher (Ward, Lock, Bowden & Co.). These advertisements are accompanied by black and white illustrations. The book has an introduction and 24 sections on etiquette for men for various places and occasions. Each section starts with an ornamental first letter in black and white. The book cover has partly come apart from the pages and the cover is somewhat stained and very faded on the spine. Several of the pages at the back are torn and stained with some of the text missing. There is a label with the sellers’ information pasted on to the back of the front cover.

Inscriptions & markings

‘C. & R. Lavery Booksellers Koroit Street Warrnambool’

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