Book, Vergil's Aeneid Book X11, Late 19th century

Historical information

This is a Latin text book for pupils studying for the Matriculation examinations in 1899 and 1900. It was used by Lizzie Stanley at the convent school in Warrnambool This school was established in 1872 and was at first known as the Convent of Mercy, Wyton and, after 1888, St. Ann’s Convent School. In 1991 it merged with the Warrrnambool Christian Brothers’ College to become Emmanuel College.
Lizzie Stanley is believed to be Elizabeth Stanley, born in 1883 with her parents John Shaw and Marie Stanley. Her father, a writer, mathematician and chess player, was well-known in Warrnambool as the founder and Head Master of Warrnambool Grammar School (1879-1900). This text book has at some stage been in the collection of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Library. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and Subscription Library were established in Warrnambool in 1854 and a Free Library was operating in the Mechanics’ Institute building from the 1870s on. The Mechanics’ Institute building was demolished in 1975 and the library collection was housed in the new library opened in 1976. In 2006 the old Mechanics’ Institute library was re-housed at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum, Warrnambool and it is not known exactly when this text book was removed from the collection.


This book is of considerable interest as it has connections to Warrnambool student, Lizzie Stanley, the Warrnambool Convent school and the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Library.

Physical description

This is a hard cover book of 162 pages. It has a blue cover with black lettering. There are two library labels pasted in, one at the front and one at the back and a library sticker on the spine. The inscription is handwritten in black ink and there are also some notes written at the back in pencil. The cover is stained and the spine is much faded.

Inscriptions & markings

‘Lizzie Stanley Convent Warrnambool’
The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and Free Library’
‘Warrnambool Public Library’

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